Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Prop List

Hello hello. Hope you guys are able to get out and make snow lamps or something!

I made a revised prop list based on Yasemin's sketch of the house.

Fireplace section
1. Wood stove/fireplace
2. Two comfy chairs (a little asymmetrical to fit the space)
3. Two oddly shaped end tables for tiffany and old man

Entryway section
1. Trunk with blankets bursting out
2. Portmanteau with coats and scarves hanging
3. Shoes, mittens, etc. spilling out

Kitchen section
1. Kitchen counter+stove+sink
2. Two dining chairs
3. Place settings
4. Shelf or cabinets with food rations

Bed section
1. Bed with mattress, blankets
2. Another oddly shaped end table with the lava lamp on top

1. A lot of picture frames with portraits, or just quick sketches and/or screen caps of lamps in them
2. A large, round area rug
3. Make sure the door is hinged and opens
4. Consider what the ceiling is shaped like. Are there rafters are some support structure up there?
5. Old fashioned radio or record player
6. Old fashioned phone

On second thought I think we should only have one of kind of chair, to make it clear that our lamp lady lives alone and she's a hermit. Maybe the end table can fill up that space next to the fire, or an ottoman.

So I think Blake is going to model the interior of the house, because he's been working on the outside and it looks awesome. Then we can start to fill it up with props and characters - maybe starting out with some cubes or whatever as standins until we model things.

Katie, would you be interested in storyboarding the opening sequence with the 2d->3d transition? I feel like you had the clearest mental pictures of how that went and it would be great to get Kelsey started on the background paintings, now that we know what the hut looks like.

Also, start brainstorming titles! And don't forget we need to stick a title shot in the opening sequence somewhere.

Snow day snow day snow day! See y'all on Tuesday if we're not buried in snow.

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