Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Updated Floor Plans (or the day I gained a lot of respect for interior designers)

Hi again!

Here is the updated floor-plan. I've noticed that I really like the funky furniture shapes. I think they hint that they morphed and sort of accommodated the house's shape, and that's a cool little detail that we can try. This would mean open edged end tables and kitchen counters, and seating arrangements. Sort of resembling the the pentagonal house shape. What do you think?

Otherwise, here is the plan, its annotated again, let me know if there is any confusion as to what is what and if I'm missing any major characters. I really like the idea of the lady owning a lava lamp, so I included it in the plans but I'm not married to the idea. I'll recover if we choose to nix it. Hopefully. I don't know I might cry. A little bit. Just kidding.


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